| | October 14–17, 2018 • McCormick Place • Chicago, Illinois USA |
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| |  | See Machinery in Action | Watching equipment hard at work and examining materials in person is the best way to determine what will work on your line and for your product. |
|  | Connect Face-to-Face | Come ask us questions and talk shop with your peers from around the world. There will be 50,000 attendees and 2,500 exhibitors at McCormick Place! |
| | *Complimentary registration is valid for online pre-registration only; not valid on-site. Expires October 13, 2018. Complimentary registration is intended for use by end-user, retailer and contract packager registrants. Non-exhibiting suppliers and distributors are required to pay standard attendance fees. A non-exhibiting supplier is defined as anyone who sells packaging/processing/converting equipment and/or anyone who’s primary product is packaging containers or materials, supplies, automation, or other services. A distributor is defined as a professional who resells packaging/processing/converting equipment/supplies. |
| Follow us and engage with the industry: | |
| |  | 11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 600 Reston, VA 20190 |
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